Library News. No. 17/18. May/June 1994
Date: 1994
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
The emphasis is on English-language periodicals (especially Ameri- can), but major foreign publications
This is a bi-monthly publication. Asia Inc.: the region's business magazine.
., 1994- (GRC, Call no: HF41 AI) This monthly publication provides interesting, up-to-date information
London: Hot Publications, 1994- (SRC, Call no: TR1 HI) This bi-monthly journal covers latest develop-
It announces new IS0 publications, new subscriber members, standards published and seminars organised
Library News. No. 21/22. Sept/Oct. 1994
Date: 1994
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
for development communi- cation (AIDCOM), 1990- Published semiannually (SRC, Call no: HM258 JDC) This publication
FLIGHT INTERNATIONAL London: Illiffe Transport Publications, 1962- Published weekly (KSC, Call no: TL501
VOGUE New York Conde Nast Publications, VOGUE AUSTRALIA Greenwich, NSW: Conde Nast Publications, 19--
monthly (SRC, Call no: lT500 Vog) Published monthly (SRC, Call no: lT500 VA) W New York, NY: Fairchild Publications
Library News. No. 2. June 1997
Date: 1997
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
Its Publications Library offers full-text access to more than 3,500 journals, magazines, trade and industry
publications, newsletters, newswires and newspapers.
The time span covered for these publications varies, from twelve years o f the Wall Street Journal to
forecasts *Track trends affecting businesses and industries -Access product reviews from top industry publications
Library News. Vol. 1, No. 1. Jan-Mar. 1996
Date: 1996
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
a picture of our new Library Building; we have replaced the old masthead with * we have changed our publication
Indexes and Abstracts are discipline- specific, continuing, bibliographic publications, which aim to
Bibliographies give details of publications arranged in a logical order, giving author, title, date and
place of publication, publisher, details of edition, pagination, series and libraryhnformation content
Trade catalogues are publications containing particulars of goods manufactured by, or sold by a firm.
Library News. Vol. 1, No. 2. Apr-June 1996
Date: 1996
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
Library News. No. 33/34. Sept/Oct. 1995
Date: 1995
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
It consists o f individual files o f brochures, commemorative publications and newspaper features on
Statistics The Library also has various publications issued by the Department o f Statistics.
Journal of nutrition (Call no: W . 1 4 JN; Level 6 Current periodi- cals; Freq: Monthly) The official publication
Library News. No. 15/16. Mar/Apr. 1994
Date: 1994
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
Macweek.Titusville,Fl: MacWeek Inc, 1994- (GRC, Call no: QA 76.8 MAC.Mw) Aweekly publication carrying
Tulsa, OK : Pennwell Pub, 1994- (KSC, Cail no: Z 258 CP) This bi-monthly publication carries articles
Hong Kong : AsiaLaw & Practice Ltd., 1992- (GRC, Call no: KS 660 SLG) This is the official bi-monthly publication
New York: A / S M Communications, 1994- (GRC, Call no : HF 5801 APW) This weekly publication covers news
Library News. Vol. 1, No. 4. Oct-Dec. 1996
Date: 1996
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.