In Sync. Issue 20. Oct. 2000
Date: 2000
Content Type: Text
Description: The newsletter features activities and information pertaining to the Temasek Polytechnic Graduates' Association.
Access Rights: Public user.
TPGA news. Issue 13. Jan. 1999
Date: 1999
Content Type: Text
Description: The newsletter features activities and information pertaining to the Temasek Polytechnic Graduates' Association.
Access Rights: Public user.
Eye on you. Vol. 2. No. 3. Oct-Dec. 1996
Date: 1996
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.
No part of this publication may in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, micro- copying, photocopying
Contributions should reach the Editor six clear weeks before the next publication date.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND UNION COUNCIL Bryce Tan (President), William Goh (Welfare Secretary), Alex Lee (Publication
In Sync. Issue 19. July 2000
Date: 2000
Content Type: Text
Description: The newsletter features activities and information pertaining to the Temasek Polytechnic Graduates' Association.
Access Rights: Public user.
Eye on you. Vol. 4. No. 3. July-Sept. 1997
Date: 1997
Content Type: Text
Access Rights: Public user.