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Graduation Ceremony 2014: Day 1, Session 3, School of Applied Science

Date: 2014

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Applied Science, Diploma in Biomedical Science, Diploma in Biotechnology, Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science, and Diploma in Veterinary Technology. Also featuring graduands from part-time course in Diploma in Technology (Chemical).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2014: Day 1, Session 2, Schools of Informatics & Information Technology and Applied Science

Date: 2014

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Informatics & Information Technology, Diploma in Game & Entertainment Technology, Diploma in Interactive Media Informatics, Diploma in Mobile & Network Services, and Diploma in Mobile & Wireless Computing. Also featuring graduands from School of Applied Science, Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition, Diploma in Baking & Culinary Science, and Diploma in Consumer Science & Technology.

Access Rights: Public user.