Showing 826 - 850 of 2465 Records - You are not logged in. More results may exist for logged in users.

Press release. 21 Mar. 2018. Designing community spaces to turn plastic trash into treasure

Date: 2018

Content Type: Text

Description: The graduating class of Temasek Polytechnic's School of Design showcased some four hundred innovative and meaningful projects from across fashion, architecture, film, product design and communication design disciplines. The Design Show was held from 9 - 12 March 2018. Design Show 2018 also saw the launch of the inaugural Sustainability Awards. The top three projects that addressed bigger issues of the world through their designs such as reducing poverty, resolving hunger and responsible consumption, would each receive a $1,000 prize.

Access Rights: Public user.

CCA Fair 2024

Date: 2024

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Video promotion for CCA Fair 2024

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2024: Day 3, Session 6, School of Business

Date: 2024

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The sixth session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from School of Business – Diploma in Business.

Access Rights: Public user.

BITe. No. 3. Sept. 2003

Date: 2003

Content Type: Text

Description: Newsletter for students in Diploma in Business Information Technology.

Access Rights: Public user.

Annual Report. Temasek Polytechnic. 2020/2021

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: Published in electronic format from 2008/09.

Access Rights: Public user.

CapitaLand Award for All-Round Excellence 2024

Date: 2024

Content Type: Text

Description: The CapitaLand Award for All-Round Excellence gives commendation and recognition to graduates who excel in their studies and has outstanding co-curricular activities achievements / contributions in areas such as Arts, Sports, Community Service, Clubs etc. The Award is sponsored by CapitaLand Limited, one of Asia's largest real estate companies. The award recipients in 2024 were: Rifat Hassan Bade (School of Business) and Quentin Chia (School of Humanities and Social Sciences).

Access Rights: Public user.

TP news. 10 Nov. 2020. TP Oei – new app to make your life easier

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: Catchline: When the circuit breaker (CB) was announced by the Singapore government on April 3, the movements of most Singaporeans were restricted, save for essential…

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2024, day 6 session 15, Temasek SkillsFuture Academy

Date: 2024

Content Type: Still Image

Description: Graduation ceremony 2024, day 6 session 15. Graduands from Temasek SkillsFuture Academy – Diploma in Business Practice (Business Administration), Diploma in Business Practice (Human Resource Management & Psychology), Diploma in Business Practice (Logistics Management), Diploma in Infocomm & Digital Media (Applied Artificial Intelligence), Diploma in Infocomm & Digital Media (ICT Systems, Services & Support), Specialist Diploma in Accounting & Finance, Specialist Diploma in Business Analytics, Specialist Diploma in Corporate Secretarial Practice, Specialist Diploma in Data Science for Business, Specialist Diploma in Digital Marketing & Communication Management, Specialist Diploma in Digital Service Automation, Specialist Diploma in Financial Analytics, Specialist Diploma in Information Security & Forensics and Specialist Diploma in MICE & Events Management.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2015: Day 3, Session 9, School of Informatics & Information Technology

Date: 2015

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Informatics & Information Technology, Diploma in Business Intelligence & Analytics, Diploma in Cyber & Digital Security, Diploma in Digital Forensics, Diploma in Financial Business Informatics, Diploma in game & Entertainment Technology, Diploma in Information Technology, Diploma in Mobile & Network Services

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2024, day 1 session 2, School of Applied Science

Date: 2024

Content Type: Still Image

Description: Graduation ceremony 2024, day 1 session 2. Graduands from School of Applied Science – Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition, Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Diploma in Food, Nutrition & Culinary Science and Diploma in Veterinary Technology.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2014: Day 2, Session 4, School of Design

Date: 2014

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Design, Diploma in Apparel Design & Merchandising, Diploma in Environmental Design, Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design, Diploma in Product & Industrial Design, Diploma in Retail & Hospitality Design, and Diploma in Visual Communication.

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Design School Graduation 2002 : badge

Date: 2002

Content Type: Still Image

Description: A badge to commemorate the Temasek Design School Graduation 2002.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 25 Apr. 2024. NTU Singapore and Temasek Polytechnic scientists replace fishmeal in aquaculture with microbial protein derived from soybean processing wastewater

Date: 2024

Content Type: Text

Description: Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Temasek Polytechnic have successfully replaced half of the fishmeal protein in the diets of farmed Asian seabass with a ‘single cell protein’ cultivated from microbes in soybean processing wastewater, paving the way for more sustainable fish farming practices.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2014: Day 5, Session 13, School of Business

Date: 2014

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Business, Diploma in Leisure & Resort Management, Diploma in Marketing, and Diploma in Retail Management. Also featuring graduands from part-time course in Diploma in Business Practice.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2018: Day 6, Session 16, Continuing Education & Training courses

Date: 2018

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The sixteenth session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from Continuing Education & Training courses - Diploma in Applied Science (Aquaculture), Diploma in Applied Science (Chemical Technology), Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education - Teaching, Diploma in Engineering (Aerospace), Diploma in Engineering (Operations & Systems Management), Advanced Diploma in Early Childhood Leadership, Specialist Diploma in Big Data & Analytics, Specialist Diploma in Big Data Management, Specialist Diploma in Biopharmaceutical Technology, Specialist Diploma in Business Analytics, Specialist Diploma in Cloud Data Centre Technology & Management, Specialist Diploma in Energy Management & Sustainable Design, Specialist Diploma in Environment & Water Technology, Specialist Diploma in IC Assembly & Test, Specialist Diploma in Information Security & Forensics, Specialist Diploma in Internet of Things, Specialist Diploma in Laboratory Management & Instrumentation, Specialist Diploma in Network Management, Specialist Diploma in One Health, Specialist Diploma in Semiconductor Technology, Specialist Diploma in Smart Solutions and Specialist Diploma in Wafer Fabrication.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2015, day 3

Date: 2015

Content Type: Still Image

Description: The Temasek Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony spanned over 14 sessions from 18 to 22 May 2015. Guest of honour, Ms. Indranee Rajah, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Law and Ministry of Education, officiated the opening session held on Monday, 18 May 2015 at 9.00am at the Temasek Convention Centre. A total of 5437 students graduated from 54 full-time diploma courses and 16 part-time courses. Day 3: Session 7 - Graduands from the School of Applied Science: Diploma in Biomedical Science; Diploma in Biotechnology; Diploma in Chemical Engineering; Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science and Diploma in Veterinary Technology. Session 8 - Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition; Diploma in Baking & Culinary Science and Diploma in Consumer Science & Technology. Graduands from the School of Humanities & Social Sciences - Diploma in Early Childhood Studies; Diploma in Gerontological Management Studies and Diploma in Psychology Studies. Session 9 - Graduands from the School of Informatics & IT: Diploma in Business Intelligence & Analytics; Diploma in Cyber & Digital Security; Diploma in Digital Forensics; Diploma in Financial Business Informatics; Diploma in Game & Entertainment Technology; Diploma in Information Technology and Diploma in Mobile & Network Services. This year, the first cohort of 40 graduands from the Diploma in Business Intelligence & Analytics received their diplomas.

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Polytechnic corporate paper bag

Date: [Between 1994-2001]

Content Type: Still Image

Description: A colourful paper bag with 'Temasek Polytechnic' printed in black, logo in red and the tagline "Young, Bold and Caring" printed in colour.

Access Rights: Public user.

Hommage A La Musique : invitation card

Date: 2002

Content Type: Text

Description: Invitation to "Hommage A La Musique" performed by the Temasek Polytechnic Concert Band.

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Polytechnic's new campus to be an architectural landmark in Tampines : press release

Date: 1991

Content Type: Text

Description: A press release with information about the Temasek Polytechnic's new Tampines campus. James Stirling and Michael Wilford & Associates of London was appointed its principal architect to undertake the masterplan and design of the campus.

Access Rights: Public user.

Stop Press. Feb. 2005

Date: 2005

Content Type: Text

Description: Accompanied by separately paged supplement in Chinese.

Access Rights: Public user.

Stop Press. July 2002

Date: 2002

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has 2002-

Access Rights: Public user.

Course brochure by schools. 2013

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Description: 6 course brochures of the Schools of Applied Science, Business, Design, Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences and Informatics & IT.

Access Rights: Public user.

Student Development and Alumni Division : folder

Date: 2002

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

BizNews. Dec. 1996

Date: 1996

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has June 1996 - No. 2. 2014.

Access Rights: Public user.