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TP Graduation 2023

Date: 2023

Content Type: Web Archive

Description: The Temasek Polytechnic Graduation 2023 website was crawled on 25 May 2023. Youtube videos are not available from the web crawl.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation 2000 : programme booklet

Date: 2000

Content Type: Text

Description: A programme booklet of Temasek Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony 2000, held on 19-24 August 2000 at Temasek Convention Centre, Temasek Polytechnic. The Guest-of-Honours were : Session 1 - Minister Lim Swee Say, Minister of State Ministry of Communications and Information Technology; Session 2 - Professor Venkatesan Sundaresan, Director, Institute of Molecular Agrobiology, NUS; Session 3 - Dr Jannie Tay, Managing Director, The Hour Glass Limited; Session 4 - The Honourable Attorney-General, Mr Chan Sek Keong, Attorney-General's Chambers; Session 5 - Mr Inderjit Singh, President and Managing Director, United Test and Assembly Centre (S) Pte Ltd; Session 6 - Mr Ong Ser Huan, President, Institution of Engineers; Session 7 - Mr Peter Yates, CEO, Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Pte Ltd; Session 8 - Mr Tan Seng Wan, Chairman and CEO, Pandora Interactive Studio Pte Ltd.

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Polytechnic Graduation 2022 : Creating tomorrow

Date: 2022

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

The Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal 2020

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: In 1994, the Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the late Senior Minister of State for Education, Dr Tay Eng Soon, who played a pivotal role in the development of polytechnic and technical education. From the fund, the Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal is awarded annually to outstanding graduates from each of the polytechnics, who graduated from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) prior to their studies at the polytechnic. The Medal was first presented at the 1995 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2020 was: Zhuo Weida (School of Engineering).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2020

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2020 were: Koh Jing (School of Applied Science); Leong Chi Ren Wilsvin (School of Engineering); Lim Yee Kiat (School of Engineering) and Teo Xuan Ming (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal 2022

Date: 2022

Content Type: Text

Description: In 1994, the Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the late Senior Minister of State for Education, Dr Tay Eng Soon, who played a pivotal role in the development of polytechnic and technical education. From the fund, the Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal is awarded annually to outstanding graduates from each of the polytechnics, who graduated from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) prior to their studies at the polytechnic. The Medal was first presented at the 1995 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2022 was: Chase Lim Shi You (School of Business).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2018

Date: 2018

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2018 were: Alvin Tay Ming Hwee (School of Applied Science), Crystal Sing (School of Engineering) and Solomon Tan Teng Shue (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2024

Date: 2024

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2024 were: Tan Xian Xun (School of Applied Science); Wong Xue En Cheyenne (School of Engineering), Yoong Wai Kit (School of Engineering) and Nitish Thiyagarajan (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal 2023

Date: 2023

Content Type: Text

Description: In 1994, the Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the late Senior Minister of State for Education, Dr Tay Eng Soon, who played a pivotal role in the development of polytechnic and technical education. From the fund, the Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal is awarded annually to outstanding graduates from each of the polytechnics, who graduated from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) prior to their studies at the polytechnic. The Medal was first presented at the 1995 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipient in 2023 was: Tang Yu Alexander (School of Applied Science).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2013

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2013 were: Balakumaran s/o Nadarajan (School of Applied Science), Jeremy Jee De Sheng (School of Engineering) and Tan Wang Leng (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2011: Day 5, Session 12, School of Applied Science and School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Date: 2011

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2011 polytechnic level awards were presented at the 12th session of School of Applied Science and School of Humanities & Social Sciences. Featuring graduands from the Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition, Diploma in Baking & Culinary Science, Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Diploma in Consumer Science & Technology, Diploma in Technology (Chemical) (Part-time) , Specialist Diploma in Environment & Water Technology (Part-time) and Diploma in Psychology Studies.

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2022

Date: 2022

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2022 were: Lai Mun Wah Shaun (School of Applied Science); Muhammad Zaki B Zulkhairi (School of Informatics & IT), Lim Ryan Ryutaro (School of Engineering) and Lim Yun Shi Krystal (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2021

Date: 2021

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2021 were: Viyshnatulasiy d/o G M (School of Applied Science); Ng Yong Jie (School of Engineering); Teo Zhi Jie (School of Engineering) and Soh Woon Hao, Kenneth (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 21 May 2015. 60-year old tops his class with perfect 4.0 cGPA!

Date: 2015

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic's Part-Time Course Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday, 22 May, 2015, at the Temasek Convention Centre. Michael Wee (60 years old) from the Specialist Diploma in Energy Management & Sustainable Design and Fendi Wong Yuh Chyn from the Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education Teaching were among the 318 working adults who graduated from 16 part-time courses. Mr Loy Chye Meng, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Commander Training Command/Director, Home Team School of Criminal Investigation/Deputy Chief Executive (Administration), Home Team Academy, Singapore Police Force, was the guest-of-honour.

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2017

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2017 were: Eyo Wei Chin (School of Informatics & IT), Rayner Tan Xue Wen (School of Informatics & IT) and Ganesh s/o Kunasehkaran (School of Engineering).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2012

Date: 2012

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2012 were: Ang Yan Ee (School of Applied Science), Koh Ming Rong Dominic (School of Engineering) and Teh Kaiwen (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2011

Date: 2011

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2011 were: Eng Zi Hui Shermaine (School of Applied Science), Elson Ong Yi Qiang (School of Informatics & IT) and Lim Yuan Jie (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal 2024

Date: 2024

Content Type: Text

Description: In 1994, the Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the late Senior Minister of State for Education, Dr Tay Eng Soon, who played a pivotal role in the development of polytechnic and technical education. From the fund, the Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal is awarded annually to outstanding graduates from each of the polytechnics, who graduated from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) prior to their studies at the polytechnic. The Medal was first presented at the 1995 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipient in 2024 was: Matthew Francis Thanarajoo (School of Engineering).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal 2021

Date: 2021

Content Type: Text

Description: In 1994, the Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the late Senior Minister of State for Education, Dr Tay Eng Soon, who played a pivotal role in the development of polytechnic and technical education. From the fund, the Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal is awarded annually to outstanding graduates from each of the polytechnics, who graduated from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) prior to their studies at the polytechnic. The Medal was first presented at the 1995 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2021 was: Tham Josiah (School of Engineering).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2023

Date: 2023

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2023 were: Ira Natasha Binte Razali (School of Engineering); Darren Ong Yan En (School of Informatics & IT), Sathish Kumar S/O Kannan (School of Engineering) and Clara Yang Ting (School of Applied Science).

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 11 Nov. 2014. 205 working adults graduate from 16 part-time courses at TP

Date: 2014

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic's Part-Time Course Graduation Ceremony was held on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at the Temasek Convention Centre. Mohamed Mustafa Bin Mohamed Salleh and Mr Tan Gim Choon were among a total of 205 students who graduated from the following 16 part-time courses: Diploma in Applied Science (Chemical Technology), Diploma in Business Practice, Diploma in Engineering (Aerospace), Diploma in Legal Executive Studies, Diploma in Management & Police Studies, Diploma in Para-Legal Studies, Diploma in Police & Security Studies, Diploma in Police Studies & Security Management, Diploma in Security & Fire Safety Management, Diploma in Security & Fire Safety Studies, Diploma in Technology (Chemical), Diploma (Conversion) in Digital Advertising Technology & Analytics, Specialist Diploma in Business Analytics, Specialist Diploma in Environment & Water Technology, Specialist Diploma in Semiconductor Technology and Advanced Diploma in Police Studies.

Access Rights: Public user.

Lee Kong Chian Award for All-Round Excellence 2013

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kong Chian Award for All-Round Excellence gives commendation and recognition to students who excel in both their studies and co-curricular activities. It is named after the prominent businessman and philanthropist, Lee Kong Chian, who set up the Lee Foundation in 1952 to aid the advancement of education and help the poor, among others. The Lee Foundation has sponsored the Lee Kong Chian Award for All-Round Excellence in honour of Mr Lee’s generous contributions to education and society. The award recipients in 2013 were: Kho Kian Hao (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) and Thng Boon Seong (School of Engineering).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Ngee Ann Kongsi Most Outstanding Overcomer Award 2020

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: The Ngee Ann Kongsi Most Outstanding Overcomer Award gives recognition to a student who has demonstrated strong perseverance in overcoming the odds and setbacks in life to complete the course of study with good academic records, and is exemplary in his or her conduct. It is named after the renowned charitable foundation, The Ngee Ann Kongsi, in honour of its generous contribution to TP. The award recipients in 2020 was: Pearlyn Tan Sin Ping (School of Business).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Ngee Ann Kongsi Most Outstanding Overcomer Award 2022

Date: 2022

Content Type: Text

Description: The Ngee Ann Kongsi Most Outstanding Overcomer Award gives recognition to a student who has demonstrated strong perseverance in overcoming the odds and setbacks in life to complete the course of study with good academic records, and is exemplary in his or her conduct. It is named after the renowned charitable foundation, The Ngee Ann Kongsi, in honour of its generous contribution to TP. The award recipients in 2022 was: Matthew Ng De En (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.