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Graduation ceremony 2009, day 2

Date: 2009

Content Type: Still Image

Description: The Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony spanned over 9 sessions from 19 to 21 May 2009. Guest of honour, Ms Grace Fu, Senior Minister of State for the Ministries of National Development and Education, officiated the opening session held on Monday, 19 May 2009 at 9am at the Temasek Convention Centre. A total of 5041 students graduated from 40 full-time diploma courses and 8 part-time courses. Day 2, Session 4 - Graduands from Temasek Business School: Diploma in Accounting & Finance; Diploma in Business Information Technology; Diploma in Communications & Media Management; Diploma in Law & Management; Specialist Diploma in Accounting & Finance (Part-Time); Diploma in Para-Legal Studies (Part-Time). Session 5 - Graduands from Temasek Engineering School: Diploma in Business Process & Systems Engineering; Diploma in Info-Communications; Diploma in Microelectronics; Diploma in Telecommunications; Specialist Diploma in Semiconductor Technology (Part-Time); Advanced Diploma in Quality Engineering & Management - FlexQE (Part-Time). Session 6 - Graduands from Temasek Engineering School: Diploma in Integrated Facility Design & Management; Diploma in Intelligent Building Technology and Diploma in Mechatronics.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2013: Day 1, Session 1, School of Business

Date: 2013

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2013 polytechnic level awards were presented at the 1st session of School of Business. Also featuring graduands from School of Business, Diploma in Culinary & Catering Management and Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2013: Day 5, Session 14, School of Informatics & Information Technology

Date: 2013

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Informatics & Information Technology, Diploma in Game & Entertainment Technology and Diploma in Interactive Media Informatics.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2012: Day 1, Session 2, School of Engineering

Date: 2012

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Engineering, Diploma in Business Process & Systems Engineering, Diploma in Electronics, Diploma in Microelectronics, Specialist Diploma in Semiconductor Technology (Part-Time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2009: Day 1, Session 2, Temasek Business School

Date: 2009

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The second session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from Temasek Business School - Diploma in Culinary & Catering Management, Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Business, Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Diploma in Leisure & Resort Management.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2011: Day 5, Session 12, School of Applied Science and School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Date: 2011

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2011 polytechnic level awards were presented at the 12th session of School of Applied Science and School of Humanities & Social Sciences. Featuring graduands from the Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition, Diploma in Baking & Culinary Science, Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Diploma in Consumer Science & Technology, Diploma in Technology (Chemical) (Part-time) , Specialist Diploma in Environment & Water Technology (Part-time) and Diploma in Psychology Studies.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2011: Day 3, Session 7, School of Engineering

Date: 2011

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2011 polytechnic level awards were presented at the 1st session of the Graduation Ceremoney for the School of Engineering. This session features graduands from School of Engineering - Diploma in Mechatronics

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2011: Day 1, Session 2, School of Informatics & IT

Date: 2011

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The second session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from School of Informatics & IT - Diploma in Financial Business Informatics, Diploma in Game & Entertainment Technology, Diploma in Interactive Media Informatics, Diploma in Internet & Multimedia Development & Specialist Diploma in Interactive Edutainment (Part-time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2009: Day 2, Session 4, Temasek Business School

Date: 2009

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The fourth session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from Temasek Business School - Diploma in Accounting & Finance, Diploma in Business Information Technology, Diploma in Communications & Media Management, Diploma in Law & Management and Specialist Diploma in Accounting & Finance (part-time) and Diploma in Para-Legal Studies (part-time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2005: Day 3, Session 7, Temasek Engineering School

Date: 2005

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The seventh session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from Temasek Engineering School - Diploma in Biomedical Informatics & Engineering, Diploma in Microelectronics and Diploma in Telecommunications.

Access Rights: Public user.

TPLA newsletter. Issue 3. Dec. 2022

Date: 2022

Content Type: Text

Description: A monthly online newsletter by the Lead Ambassadors covers past and upcoming events.

Access Rights: Public user.

TPLA newsletter. Issue 7. Apr. 2023

Date: 2023

Content Type: Text

Description: A monthly online newsletter by the Lead Ambassadors covers past and upcoming events.

Access Rights: Public user.

TPLA newsletter. Issue 16. Jan. 2024

Date: 2024

Content Type: Text

Description: A monthly online newsletter by the Lead Ambassadors covers past and upcoming events.

Access Rights: Public user.

TPLA newsletter. Issue 15. Dec. 2023

Date: 2023

Content Type: Text

Description: A monthly online newsletter by the Lead Ambassadors covers past and upcoming events.

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Polytechnic Graduation 2024 : Creating tomorrow

Date: 2024

Content Type: Text

Description: PDF version of the TP Graduation 2024 website which provided detailed information to graduands and guests attending the graduation ceremony.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation 2007 : invitation card

Date: 2007

Content Type: Text

Description: An invitation card to Session 3 of the Temasek Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony 2007 held on Monday, 21 May 2007 at 5.30pm at the Temasek Convention Centre, Temasek Polytechnic.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation 2003 : invitation card

Date: 2003

Content Type: Text

Description: An invitation card to Session 3 of the Temasek Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony 2003 held on Saturday, 16 August 2003 at 10.00am at the Temasek Convention Centre, Temasek Polytechnic. Ms Su Yeang, CEO, Citigate Su Yeang Design Pte Ltd was the Guest-of-Honour.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 30 Sept. 2014. Is your glass of wine laced with pesticide?

Date: 2014

Content Type: Text

Description: A showcase of more than 40 projects by Temasek Polytechnic's School of Applied Science was held at TP's Applied Science Show to industry partners and the public on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 at TP's Auditorium 3. The opening address was delivered by Dr Lee Chee Wee, Director, School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic. Among the projects showcased were "Turning waste to plastic", "Improving nutrition and quality of ornamental fish" and "1st database on the GI of Asian food". Professor (Dr.) Thomas Wolever, the world's founder of GI Testing, was in attendance at the show. Representatives from industry partners like Sembcorp, Agilent Technologies Singapore and Hockhua Traditional Medicine participated in the industry symposium.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 04 Oct. 2016. Temasek Polytechnic scientists set to boost productivity of SMEs with Centre of Innovation for Complementary Health Products

Date: 2016

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic (TP) launched Singapore's first Centre of Innovation for Complementary Health Products (COI CHP) in June 2016. Funded by SPRING Singapore, it was a one-stop service centre for CHP related enterprises. The key capability areas of the COI CHP included chemical and biological testing, glycemic index analysis as well as safety and efficacy studies. These were some of the areas that were showcased at TP's annual Applied Science Show held on Wednesday, 5 October 2016. A two-day International Conference in Analytical Science followed the Applied Science Show. Some of the related projects serviced by the COI CHP on show included: Herbal ingredient screening of GNC's liver protector for quality control and Rapid testing to identify antioxidant compounds in food, herbs and CHP. The opening of the show also included the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between TP and its industry partner Eu Yan Sang Singapore. Mr Peter Lam, Principal & CEO, Temasek Polytechnic delivered the welcome address and Dr Lee Chee Wee, Director, TP's School of Applied Science gave the opening address. Dr Kalpana Bhaskaran, Glycemic Index Research Unit, Temasek Polytechnic presented a paper on "Winning the war on diabetes -- the low GI way!"

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 05 Jan. 2017. TP students develop a system that lights up road dividers during heavy downpour to help motorists

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic's Engineering Project Show 2017 was held on Friday, 6 January 2017 at its Multi-Purpose Hall. One of the projects showcased was a system that lighted up the road divider when it rained, thus allowing motorists to see better in stormy, thundery conditions. Also among the 56 final-year projects were ideas targeted at the elderly which won awards at the "Cool ideas for better HDB living" competition. Examples of such project were the "Elderly friendly mop & pail", "Elderly safe trolley" and "Smart active wheelchair". Other highlights of the Engineering Project Show were an energy-saving invention which cooled only the bed of a person who was sleeping, rather than the entire room, and a remote controlled drone which was being developed to carry, fly and drop a life buoy to a drowning person at sea.

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kong Chian Award 2024

Date: 2024

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kong Chian Award is given to top non-Science and Technology graduates. It is named after the prominent businessman and philanthropist Lee Kong Chian, who set up the Lee Foundation in 1952 to aid the advancement of education and help the poor, among others. The Lee Foundation has sponsored the Lee Kong Chian Award in honour of Mr Lee’s generous contributions to education and society. The award recipients in 2024 were: Xavier Aw Yong Chen Yok (School of Business), Tan Dan Yui Joyce (School of Design), and Woo Zi Yue (School of Humanities & Social Sciences).

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Polytechnic course handbook. 2009/2010

Date: 2009

Content Type: Text

Description: Brochures of Temasek Polytechnic's courses, fees, entry requirements and career opportunities.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation '97 : programme booklet

Date: 1997

Content Type: Text

Description: A programme booklet of Temasek Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony 1997, held on 31 July 1997 to 6 August 1997 at the Temasek Convention Centre, Temasek Polytechnic. The Guest-of-Honours were : Session 1 - Mr Philip Yeo, Chairman, Economic Development Board; Session 2 - Mr Stephen Yeo Siew Chye, Chief Executive, National Computer Board; Session 3 : Mr Chua Tock Ling, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Computer Associates Pte Ltd; Session 4 - Mr Katsuhiko Katayama, MD Hitachi Nippon Steel Semi-conductor Singapore Pte Ltd; Session 5 - Mr Raymond Cheung Kam Hoi, Divisional Director, Singapore Productivity and Standards Board; Session 6 - Mr Wong King Yoong, Vice President and Managing Director, Compaq Asia Pte Ltd; Session 7 - Mr Tan Boen Eng, President, Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore; Session 8 - Mr Soh Yew Hock, Group Managing Director & CEO, Wearnes International (1994) Limited; Session 9 - Mr Tan Chee Chye, Managing Director, World Express Pte Ltd; Session 10 - The Honourable Justice T S Sinnathuray, Judge, Supreme Court of SIngapore; Session 11 - Su Yeang, Managing Director, Su Yeang Design Pte Ltd.

Access Rights: Public user.

Stop Press. Aug. 2017

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has 2002-

Access Rights: Public user.