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Course brochure Temasek Business School

Date: [200-?]

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

Your guide to a career in Interior Design : brochure

Date: 1990

Content Type: Text

Description: A brochure of Diploma in Interior Design. Includes Entry requirements and Career Prospects.

Access Rights: Public user.

Stop Press. Dec. 2017

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has 2002-

Access Rights: Public user.

ASCientia. Issue 12. 2017

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has Issue 1, 2004-

Access Rights: Public user.

Engineerrus. Issue 50. Aug. 2017

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 13 Apr. 2020. Inclusitivity in design - Temasek Poly students show you how it's done!

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: More than 400 Temasek Polytechnic (TP) School of Design 2020 graduating students have embarked on projects that were closed to their hearts, with the intention of removing barriers and obstacles faced by people living with disabilities. These projects covered across fashion, architecture, film, product design and communication design disciplines are showcased on The media were invited to view and feature these final year projects.

Access Rights: Public user.

Library Highlights. 19 Nov. 2020. Say hello to our new facial recognition gantry!

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: Catchline: With the FR gantry, entering the Library is seamless and easy. Simply look at the FR screen with your mask on.

Access Rights: Public user.

Intempo. July 2003

Date: 2003

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

TP news. 15 Apr. 2019. Cambodia: A trip to remember

Date: 2019

Content Type: Text

Description: Catchline: Being able to volunteer in Overseas Community Projects (OCP) has always been something I had wanted to do.

Access Rights: Public user.

TP news. 07 Mar. 2019. 1 Gold, 3 Silver at FHA Culinary Challenge

Date: 2019

Content Type: Text

Description: Catchline: Four teams from ASC bagged a total of 1 Gold and 3 Silver awards in the Food & Hotel Asia (FHA) Culinary Challenge 2018.

Access Rights: Public user.

Infowise. No. 2. Apr. 1999

Date: 1999

Content Type: Text

Description: Previously published as Library News (No. 1 Nov. 1990 - No. 2 Apr. 1998).

Access Rights: Public user.

Library News. No. 1. Jan. 1998

Date: 1998

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has No. 1 Nov. 1990 - No. 2 Apr. 1998.

Access Rights: Public user.

Infowise. No. 3. July 2001

Date: 2001

Content Type: Text

Description: Previously published as Library News (No. 1 Nov. 1990 - No. 2 Apr. 1998).

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 06 Oct. 2015. TP scientists in fishy business!

Date: 2015

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic (TP) Applied Science Show was held on Thursday, 8 October 2015 . Some 35 on-going projects were showcased to industry and members of the public. Among these projects were "First-of-its-kind Algae-based oral vaccine for fish" and "Innovative kit for on-site detection of food contaminants". The inaugural Institution of Aquaculture Singapore (IAS) Conference was held at TP following the Applied Science Show. Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Home Affairs delivered the opening address while Dr Dr Lee Chee Wee, Director, School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic gave the welcome address.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 04 Jan. 2013. No table to eat at if you don't plan to clear your tray!

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic Engineering Project Show 2013 was held on 7 January 2013 at the Temasek Convention Centre. A total of 66 projects were on display showcasing students' solutions for some typically Singaporean problems. Among the projects were "The Ah Long detector", "A device to stop mosquitoes breeding", "A solution to bicycle accidents on the road", "The baby chair pram", "Gap crossing wheelchair", "No table to eat at if you don't plan to clear your tray".

Access Rights: Public user.

Grapevine. Issue 4. Jan. 1998

Date: 1998

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has issue 1, 1994-issue 10, 2002. Library lacks issue 3 & 7.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 28 Mar. 2022. Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Design brings back physical showcase of innovative, purposeful ideas from 391 graduating students

Date: 2022

Content Type: Text

Description: After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Design brought back once again a physical exhibition of final-year works from 391 graduating students. Media was invited to a special preview of the exhibition on 30 March 2022 to view these projects and speak to the student designers.

Access Rights: Public user.

En Route : Diploma in Retail Management

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: Library lacks physical object.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 6 Apr. 2018. Temasek Polytechnic offers free micro-learning courses for all Singaporean

Date: 2018

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic (TP) in collaboration with industry partner Gnowbe, launched more than 60 mobile Micro-Learning Courses (MLCs) aimed at meeting the skills-upgrading demands of busy, working professionals. The launch was officiated by guest-of-honour, Ms Low Yen Ling, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Trade and Industry. To prepare for this launch, TP has developed bite-sized MLCs in subject areas such as Business, Engineering, IT, Applied Sciences and Life Skills, and each MLC comprises 10 to 20 lessons and every lesson could be completed within 15 minutes. Moreover, TP would offer every Singaporean and Permanent Resident one free MLC from a basket of 34 courses, to encourage their pursuit of lifelong learning anytime, anywhere starting from 5 April to 4 June 2018. Mr Peter Lam, Principal & CEO, Temasek Polytechnic and Ms So-Young Kang, Gnowbe Founder and CEO shared their thoughts on the MLCs and the future of learning.

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2017

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2017 were: Eyo Wei Chin (School of Informatics & IT), Rayner Tan Xue Wen (School of Informatics & IT) and Ganesh s/o Kunasehkaran (School of Engineering).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2012

Date: 2012

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2012 were: Ang Yan Ee (School of Applied Science), Koh Ming Rong Dominic (School of Engineering) and Teh Kaiwen (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Lee Kuan Yew Award 2011

Date: 2011

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kuan Yew Award for Mathematics and Science for polytechnics is awarded to the top technology or computer science graduates in each of the polytechnics. This Award is funded by an honorarium that the late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew received from various speaking engagements and funds raised from a special edition of his memoirs. The Award was first presented at the 1993 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2011 were: Eng Zi Hui Shermaine (School of Applied Science), Elson Ong Yi Qiang (School of Informatics & IT) and Lim Yuan Jie (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

CapitaLand Award for All-Round Excellence 2021

Date: 2021

Content Type: Text

Description: The CapitaLand Award for All-Round Excellence gives commendation and recognition to graduates who excel in their studies and has outstanding co-curricular activities contributions in community service. The Award is sponsored by CapitaLand Limited, one of Asia's largest real estate companies. The award recipients in 2021 were: Chew Ming En Lucas (School of Applied Science) and Muhammad Juraimi B Rafinyi (School of Informatics & IT).

Access Rights: Public user.

Infowise. Oct. 2006

Date: 2006

Content Type: Text

Description: Previously published as Library News (No. 1 Nov. 1990 - No. 2 Apr. 1998).

Access Rights: Public user.

Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) October 2012 Intake brochure

Date: 2012

Content Type: Text

Description: Slogan : Discover the person you want to be. Start at TP.

Access Rights: Public user.