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Infowise. No. 1. Jan. 1999

Date: 1999

Content Type: Text

Description: Previously published as Library News (No. 1 Nov. 1990 - No. 2 Apr. 1998).

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 15 Nov. 2016. TP gets serious about games development

Date: 2016

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic (TP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Serious Games Association (Singapore), and kicked started their collaboration by hosting the inaugural Gamification Day on Thursday, 17 November 2016. Under the MOU, students from TP's Diploma in Game Design & Development would engage with the Serious Games Association on collaborative projects, internships and involvement in industry led events co-hosted by the Serious Games Association and TP. Mrs Lee-Lim Sok Keow, Director, School of Informatics & IT, Temasek Polytechnic and Mr Ivan Lim, Chairperson, Serious Games Association (Singapore) signed the MOU.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 04 Nov. 2015. It's Crunch time!

Date: 2015

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic (TP) commemorated its 25th anniversary with a home-grown musical called "Crunch Time!" -- a comedy musical with a serious message about the importance of family relationships over material success. TP's 4th musical was held from 4-7 November 2015 at Auditorium 1, Temasek Polytechnic. Sonny Lim was the artistic director and the show was co-produced with local playwright, director and actress Aidli Mosbit. Among the talented cast was 2014 Project Superstar female category winner, Abigail Yeo, who took on the lead role of Xena.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 08 Nov. 2017. Temasek Polytechnic offers 1,500 free training places for alumni

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: In its continuing effort to promote lifelong learning, Temasek Polytechnic (TP) would offer its alumni over 100 courses as part of the SkillsFuture Series to support working adults with industry-relevant training, making it the first polytechnic to offer free training places to its alumni. This would take place from January 2018 and some 1,500 TP graduates would have an opportunity to benefit from one free SkillsFuture Series course. Temasek Polyrechnic co-leads the cybersecurity area under the SkillsFuture Series, and would progressively roll out more courses to support the training needs of working adults. These courses are tiered across three proficiency levels to cater to Singaporeans at different stages of learning -- basic, intermediate and advance.

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 13 Sept. 2013. Five Polytechnics & ITE join hands in showcasing social innovation research projects which benefit the community

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic (TP) hosted the annual Poly-ITE Social Innovation Research (SIR) Forum on Tuesday, 30 July 2013 in TP's Auditorium 2. The Forum featured 21 projects related to healthcare, special needs, the elderly, and the environment, undertaken by staff and students from the Institute of Technical Education, Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic. Presentations were made by representatives from each polytechnic and ITE. The event included a sharing session by Mrs June Tham, Executive Director, Rainbow Centre, Singapore and Mrs Eunice Tay, CEO, National Kidney Foundation.

Access Rights: Public user.

Lee Kong Chian Award for All-Round Excellence 2015

Date: 2015

Content Type: Text

Description: The Lee Kong Chian Award for All-Round Excellence gives commendation and recognition to students who excel in both their studies and co-curricular activities. It is named after the prominent businessman and philanthropist, Lee Kong Chian, who set up the Lee Foundation in 1952 to aid the advancement of education and help the poor, among others. The Lee Foundation has sponsored the Lee Kong Chian Award for All-Round Excellence in honour of Mr Lee’s generous contributions to education and society. The award recipients in 2015 were: See Kai Ting Shermaine (School of Business) and Estella Koh Siew Lee (School of Engineering).

Access Rights: Public user.

The Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal 2019

Date: 2019

Content Type: Text

Description: In 1994, the Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the late Senior Minister of State for Education, Dr Tay Eng Soon, who played a pivotal role in the development of polytechnic and technical education. From the fund, the Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal is awarded annually to outstanding graduates from each of the polytechnics, who graduated from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) prior to their studies at the polytechnic. The Medal was first presented at the 1995 Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony. The award recipients in 2019 was: Soh Hui Yi (School of Business).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2016, day 1 session 1

Date: 2016

Content Type: Still Image

Description: The Temasek Polytechnic (TP) graduation ceremony spanned over 15 sessions from 6 to 13 May 2016. A total of 5,733 students received their diplomas and post-diploma qualifications from TP's full-time and part-time courses. Guest of honour, Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister of Manpower officiated the opening session held on Friday, 6 May 2016 at 9.30am at the Temasek Convention Centre. Recipients for Polytechnic-Level Award were also presented their medals during the session. Day 1: Session 1 - Graduands from the School of Business: Diploma in Culinary & Catering Management and Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2014, day 3

Date: 2014

Content Type: Still Image

Description: The Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony spanned over 14 sessions from 26 to 30 May 2014. Guest of honour, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications and Information, officiated at the opening session held on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 9.00am at the Temasek Convention Centre. A total of 5375 students graduated from 55 full-time diploma courses and 9 part-time courses. Day 3: Session 7. Graduands from the School of Engineering, Diploma in Aerospace Electronics; Diploma in Aerospace Engineering; Diploma in Aviation Management & Services. Session 8. Graduands from the School of Engineering, Diploma in Clean Energy; Diploma in Green Building & Sustainability; Diploma in Integrated Facility Management. Session 9. Graduands from the School of Engineering, Diploma in Biomedical Informatics & Engineering; Diploma in Mechatronics.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2007, day 1 session 3

Date: 2007

Content Type: Still Image

Description: TP Graduation Ceremony 2007 was held at the Temasek Convention Centre from 21 to 23 May 2007. The ceremonies spanned over 9 sessions and saw students donning on graduation gowns for the first time since 1991 when it was first introduced for the pioneer batch of graduands. Day 1: Session 3 - The third session of the Graduation Ceremony was for graduands from Temasek Applied Science School: Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition, Diploma in Biomedical Science, Diploma in Biotechnology, Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Diploma in Consumer Science & Technology and part-time Diploma in Technology (Chemical). Guest of honour for the session was Mr Goh Koon Eng, Managing Director, Chevron Oronite Pte Ltd.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2006, day 4

Date: 2006

Content Type: Still Image

Description: Temasek Polytechnic graduation ceremony 2006 spanned over 10 sessions from 6 to 9 June 2006 and was held at the Temasek Convention Centre. A total of 3,832 students graduated from 38 full-time diploma courses. Day 4: Session 10 - Graduands from Temasek Applied Science School: Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition; Diploma in Biomedical Science; Diploma in Biotechnology; Diploma in Chemical Engineering and Diploma in Consumer Science & Technology.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2005, day 3 session 9

Date: 2005

Content Type: Still Image

Description: TP Graduation Ceremony 2005 was held at the Temasek Convention Centre and Auditorium 1 from 12 to 15 July 2005. The ceremonies spanned over 13 sessions. Day 3: Session 9 - The ninth session of the Graduation Ceremony featured graduands from Temasek Design School: Diploma in Apparel Design & Merchandising; Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design; Diploma in Interactive Media Design; Diploma in Product & Industrial Design and Diploma in Visual Communication. Guest of honour for the session was Mr Ho Meng Kit, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Communications, Communications and Media.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2005, day 3 session 10

Date: 2005

Content Type: Still Image

Description: TP Graduation Ceremony 2005 was held at the Temasek Convention Centre and Auditorium 1 from 12 to 15 July 2005. The ceremonies spanned over 13 sessions. Day 3: Session 10 - The tenth session of the Graduation Ceremony featured graduands from Temasek Engineering School: Diploma in Mechantronics and Diploma in Product Engineering.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2013: Day 5, Session 13, School of Informatics & Information Technology

Date: 2013

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2013 polytechnic level awards were presented at this 1st session of School of Informatics & Information Technology. Also featuring graduands from School of Informatics & Information Technology, Diploma in Cyber & Digital Security, Diploma in Financial Business Informatics, Diploma in Information Technology, Diploma in Mobile & Network Services, and Diploma in Mobile & Wireless Computing.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2013: Day 5, Session 12, School of Engineering

Date: 2013

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Engineering, Diploma in Business Process & Systems Engineering, Diploma in Electronics, and Diploma in Microelectronics, Specialist Diploma in Semiconductor Technology (Part-Time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2012: Day 2, Session 4, School of Engineering

Date: 2012

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Engineering, Diploma in Computer Engineering, Diploma in Info-Communications, Diploma in Interactive Media Technology, and Diploma in Media & Communication Technology.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2012: Day 3, Session 7, School of Business

Date: 2012

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2012 polytechnic level awards were presented at the 1st session of School of Business. Featuring graduands from School of Business, Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Business, Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management, and Diploma in Business Practice (Part-Time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2011: Day 2, Session 4, School of Business

Date: 2011

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2011 polytechnic level awards were presented at the 4th session of School of Business. Featuring graduands from the Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Business, Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Diploma in Business Practice (Part-time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation Ceremony 2012: Day 5, Session 13, School of Informatics & Information Technology and School of Design

Date: 2012

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: Featuring graduands from School of Design, Diploma in Apparel Design & Merchandising, Diploma in Interactive Media Design, Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design, Diploma in Moving Images, Diploma in Product & Industrial Design, Diploma in Retail & Hospitality Design, and Diploma in Visual Communication.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2011: Day 2, Session 3, School of Business

Date: 2011

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2011 polytechnic level awards were presented at the 3rd session of School of Business. Featuring graduands from the Diploma in Accounting & Finance, Diploma in Business Information Technology, Diploma in Communications & Media Management, Diploma in Law & Management and Specialist Diploma in Accounting & Finance (Part-time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2010: Day 2, Session 4, Temasek Engineering School

Date: 2010

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2010 polytechnic level awards were presented at this 4th session of Temasek Engineering School. Featuring graduands from the Diploma in Electronics, Diploma in Media & Communication Technology and Diploma in Telecommunications.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2010: Day 1, Session 2, Temasek Engineering School

Date: 2010

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: 2010 polytechnic level awards were presented at this 2nd session of Temasek Engineering School. Featuring graduands from the Diploma in Info-Communications, Diploma in Integrated Facility Design & Management, Diploma in Intelligent Building Technology and Specialist Diploma in Semiconductor Technology (Part-Time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2011: Day 3, Session 8, School of Engineering

Date: 2011

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The eight session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from School of Engineering - Diploma in Biomedical Informatics & Engineering, Diploma in Business Process & Systems Engineering, Diploma in Integrated Facility Design & Management , and Diploma in Intelligent Building Technology.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2010: Day 3, Session 8, Temasek Business School

Date: 2010

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The eight session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from Temasek Business School - Diploma in Business, Diploma in Logistics & Operations Management and Diploma in Business Practice (part-time).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2007: Day 3, Session 8, Temasek Engineering School

Date: 2007

Content Type: Moving Image

Description: The eight session of the Graduation Ceremony features graduands from Temasek Engineering School - Diploma in Biomedical Informatics & Engineering, Diploma in Business Process & Systems Engineering, Diploma in Info-Communications and two part-time diplomas - Advanced Diploma in Quality Engineering & Management and Specialist Diploma Semiconductor Technology.

Access Rights: Public user.