Showing 651 - 675 of 1351 Records - You are not logged in. More results may exist for logged in users.

Press release. 20 July 2018. 2017 Polytechnic graduates in good demand

Date: 2018

Content Type: Text

Description: The Graduate Employment Survey (GES), jointly conducted by the five polytechnics in 2017, showed that polytechnic graduates continue to be in demand in the job market. The overall employment rate six months after graduation was at 87.3% (86.4% for fresh graduates, and 89.8% for post-NS graduates). Although there was a decline from 2016, employment rate remains healthy. The decline is partly due to year-on-year changes in labour market and economic conditions, and preferences of students upon graduation.

Access Rights: Public user.

Self-Enrichment Courses for the Community Aug - Oct 1996 : Temasek Plus Catalogue

Date: 1996

Content Type: Text

Description: A catalogue of short courses on self-enrichment offered by Temasek PLUS to the community for the period August to October 1996. These courses did not lead to formal qualifications but a certificate of attendance would be awarded to those who have attained at least 75% attendance.

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Polytechnic Advanced Diploma/Certificate in Engineering Management : booklet

Date: 2000

Content Type: Text

Description: A booklet on the Advanced Diploma in Engineering Management programme including the modules offered, admission requirements, course curriculum and career prospects.

Access Rights: Public user.

GCE O level student entry : Library Readership Pass

Date: 2019

Content Type: Text

Description: Library readership pass issued to O/N level students who have registered to use Temasek Polytechnic Library to study for their O/N level examination. The Library was opened to them for the period 31 August to 15 November 2019.

Access Rights: Public user.

Makerspace@tp (Library) opening hours : signage

Date: 2016

Content Type: Text

Description: Opening hours signage of Makerspace@TP when it was operating on level 3 of Temasek Polytechnic Library.

Access Rights: Public user.

TPGA news. Issue 9. Jan. 1998

Date: 1998

Content Type: Text

Description: The newsletter features activities and information pertaining to the Temasek Polytechnic Graduates' Association.

Access Rights: Public user.

Shakei : a pottery exhibition

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Description: Shakei : a pottery exhibition was held on 21 November to 10 December 2013. It showcased works created by Iskandar Jalil and Temasek potters.

Access Rights: Public user.

Course brochures School of Information Technology & Applied Science

Date: 1996

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2012. School of Engineering : programme booklet

Date: 2012

Content Type: Text

Description: A programme booklet of Temasek Polytechnic School of Engineering graduation ceremony held on 21 and 22 May 2012.

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation ceremony 2012. School of Design : programme booklet

Date: 2012

Content Type: Text

Description: A programme booklet of Temasek Polytechnic School of Design graduation ceremony held on 25 May 2012.

Access Rights: Public user.

Annual Report. Temasek Polytechnic. 2007/2008

Date: 2007

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has 1990/1991 -

Access Rights: Public user.

Infowise. May 2013

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Description: Previously published as Library News (No. 1 Nov. 1990 - No. 2 Apr. 1998).

Access Rights: Public user.

Graduation 2011. School of Applied Science and School of Humanities & Social Sciences : programme booklet

Date: 2011

Content Type: Text

Description: A programme booklet of Temasek Polytechnic School of Applied Science and School of Humanities & Social Sciences graduation ceremonies held on 26 and 27 May 2011.

Access Rights: Public user.

BizNews. No. 1. 2008

Date: 2008

Content Type: Text

Description: Library has June 1996 - No. 2. 2014.

Access Rights: Public user.

Bold : stories of entrepreneurs from Temasek Polytechnic

Date: 2018

Content Type: Text

Description: Innovation & Entrepreneurship Department in collaboration with the Student Development and Alumni Affairs Department released a commemorative coffee table book, BOLD, to coincide with the official launch of Temasek Launchpad on 26 September 2018. The book featured 20 outstanding entrepreneurs from Temasek Polytechnic

Access Rights: Public user.

t's. July 2011

Date: 2011

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

The leisurites. Jan. 2013

Date: 2013

Content Type: Text

Access Rights: Public user.

Press release. 19 Feb. 2019. No more queuing at supermarket checkouts!

Date: 2019

Content Type: Text

Description: Temasek Polytechnic graduating Business Information Technology (BIT) students created a Scan and Go mobile application that allows shoppers to scan and pay for their grocery items via their mobile phones. This is just one of the 20 final-year projects by BIT students which used innovative technical solutions to boost productivity. The event, Meeting Young Minds @ BIT Project Show, was held on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 at Temasek Polytechnic Main Foyer and was opened to the public.

Access Rights: Public user.

Newspaper and Press Cutting : brochure

Date: 1999

Content Type: Text

Description: The Business Explorer brochure provides information on newspapers resources available in the Library.

Access Rights: Public user.

TP alumni enews. [June 2017]

Date: 2017

Content Type: Text

Description: An online alumni newsletter

Access Rights: Public user.

Temasek Polytechnic season's greetings card

Date: 2000

Content Type: Text

Description: "10 Years of Dynamic Growth 1990 - 2000" is printed on the card.

Access Rights: Public user.

Idea : transform yourself @ School of Business : brochure

Date: 2020

Content Type: Text

Description: A brochure listing the Common Business Programme and 8 diploma courses offered by the School of Business.

Access Rights: Public user.

New Temasek Polytechnic Campus in 1995 postcard School of Engineering.

Date: 1995

Content Type: Text

Description: The postcard shows the model of Temasek Polytechnic new campus.

Access Rights: Public user.

Opening of the renovated library bookmark

Date: 2003

Content Type: Text

Description: A bookmark created by the Temasek Polytechnic Library staff to commemorate the opening of the renovated library in 2003.

Access Rights: Public user.

Design Seminar for Singapore Manufacturers : programme

Date: 1993

Content Type: Text

Description: Programme of Design Seminar for Singapore Manufacturers held on 29 October 1993 at the Design Technology Transfer Centre (DTTC) in Temasek Polytechnic. The seminar was held in association with the Economic Development Board.

Access Rights: Public user.